How It Works: CNC Machine Tools + CAD/CAM Provider
As a machine tool builder, it's important that our control works well with all the major CAD/CAM packages. We like to say we're Switzerland (i.e., neutral). There are all kinds of processes and standards, like ISO/EIA, that help a machine tool's control work well with different CAD/CAM packages, but the real difference is maintaining collaborative relationships with CAD/CAM companies.
At Hurco, our software engineers and applications engineers work closely with the most well-known CAD/CAM providers
My Post Won't Work! Who Can Help?
Your CAD/CAM provider is the best resource to help you with a post because they have the most up-to-date information and the post is created from their software.
Sometimes people mistakenly think the machine's control is at fault when they are having trouble with a post. In reality, the control is just reading the software code from the CAM system. While we work well with all of the CAD/CAM providers, we are a completely separate company.
How to Get the Help You Need - Basic 3-Axis or Lathe Posts
Looking for a post for a 3-axis mill or a lathe? We don't provide actual posts because it's important to protect copyrights of our CAD/CAM partners, but any Fanuc 0M post will work. As for the Hurco control, you need to make sure you set your preferences to Industry Standard NC (ISNC). Follow the instructions below.
How to Set Your Hurco Control to ISNC for Use with the FANUC 0-M Postprocessor
1. Press the AUXILIARY button on the control panel
2. From the pop-up menu, select the UTILITY SCREEN icon
3. On the console's touch-screen, select the USER PREFERENCES softkey
4. Select the NC SETTINGS softkey
How to Get the Help You Need - 5- Axis Posts
As for 5-axis and Lathe with Live Tooling posts, you will need to contact your CAD/CAM provider. Below is a link to the Hurco package your CAD/CAM provider will need to create your post.
Download the Post Processor Development Kit to Send to CAD/CAM Provider