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Machine Offers
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VM One
(2021 build)
Compact machine
Fits under a 2m door
Less than 2m squared footprint
8,000RPM spindle
Single-screen Max 5 control
660 x 406 x 356mm travels
16 station swing-arm ATC
Filtermist S800
Full, 1 year warranty
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information
(2024 build)
Max 5 single-screen control
15kW, 10,000RPM spindle
1,016 x 508 x 508mm travels
24 station swing-arm ATC
28m/ minute rapids
Full, 1 year warranty
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information
(2023 build)
Large, rigid cast structure with direct digital axis drives and roller guideways for heavy cutting performance
12,000 RPM high-torque spindle with chiller
Twin-screen Max 5 control
1,525 x 660 x 610mm travels
Swarf conveyor, washdown
Coolant ring
Renishaw Tool and Part Probing OTS and OMP40
Kitagawa 2 axis rotary table
Full, 1 year warranty
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information
VMX30Ui-40ATC with ProCobot Profeeder X
(2024 build)
Twin-screen Max 5 control
5 axis machine with trunnion rotary A and C axis
12,000RPM, 13kW spindle
248mm diameter table
40 station toolchanger
Full, 1 year warranty
ProCobot Profeeder X 5 Drawers Heavy Duty, plus Rotary union and Thame VMX30Ui Workholding package, including Pneumatic Auto Vice Controlled by robot I/O
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information
(2022 build)
15,000RPM direct-drive spindle, with chiller and thermal compensation software
Twin-screen Max5 control
1,067 x 610 x 610mm travels
Swarf conveyor, washdown coolant ring
Renishaw RTS and RMP400, radio tool and part probing
398mm diameter rotary table, +30
/ -110
rotation, C axis continuous
Powerful 5-sided conversational programming, plus full 5 axis simultaneous in NC
Linear Scales all axes
20 bar coolant throught spindle
Full one-year parts and labout warranty
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information
(2023 build)
12,000RPM high-torque spindle with chiller
Twin-screen Max 5 control
762 x 610 x 610mm travels
30 station toolchanger
Swarf conveyor, washdown, coolant ring
38m/ minute rapids
Renishaw tool and part probing OTS and OMP40
Full, 1 year warranty
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information
(2023 build)
12,000RPM, 13kW SK40 spindle
Twin-screen Max 5 control
25m/ min rapids
500 t
able, 250kg load
520 x 450 x 400mm travels
Renishaw RTS and RMP400, radio tool and part probing
40 station swing-arm ATC
Linear scales all axes
Swarf auger
Perfect for large 5 axis one-offs
Full 1 year warranty
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information
(2023 build)
TM6i standard features
6,000RPM, 13kW spindle
Single-screen Max 5 control
6-inch hydraulic chuck
Renishaw presetter
Swarf conveyor
Renishaw tool-presetter
Max. Turning Diamter 316mm
Max Turning Length 340mm
Draw-tube Diameter 45mm
Compact footprint
Full 1 year warranty
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information
(2024 build)
Designed as an entry-level, small footprint machining centre, but with no compromises made in terms of build quality or features
Max 5 single-screen control
10,000RPM, 11kW spindle
24 station swing-arm toolchanger
Travels 660 x 406 x 508mm
28m/ minute rapids
Full, 1 year warranty
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information
(2023 build)
12,000RPM spindle with chiller
Twin-screen Max 5 control
High-capacity 5 axis machine
Direct drives all axes
Swivel B axis and 600mm diameter C axis set in table
Renishaw RTS and RMP400 tool and part probing
Filtermist FX6002M
Linear scales
20 bar coolant through spindle
Hurco swarf barrel
Air gun and coolant hose
Full, 1 year warranty
Machine Offers
For further information call 01494-442222
[email protected]
Request Information