SRT Series - 5 Axis CNC Swivel Head

​​​​​5-Axis CNC Machining Center Offers Maximum Flexibility

The SRTi series of 5-axis CNC mills offers multiple advantages, starting with the machine's design configuration that utilizes a swivel head and a C-axis rotary torque table that is embedded in the machine table and flush with the surface. The generous size the machine table provides maximum versatility because you can use the extra table space for secondary operations or 3-axis CNC work. This configuration is also available in an SW model that utilizes the swivel head, traditional machine table, and an add-on A-axis rotary.​​

5-Axis cnc Hurco Swivel Head CNC Machine Series

Benefits of the SRT 5-Axis CNC Machine

The design of the swivel head 5-axis CNC machine makes the SRT​ the best choice for certain applications.

Versatility. Since the rotary torque table is embedded within the generous machine table, you can use the extra table space for secondary operations or 3-axis work.
Heavier Parts. Because the table is always flat and doesn’t tilt, the SRT 5-axis CNC machines swivel head and rotary table design are typically preferred to the trunnion style 5th axis machines when machining heavier parts. Because all of the weight is transferred down to the leveling pads and fully supported by the foundation of the machine.
Unlimited angular movement of the C-axis. With a swivel head/rotary table 5-axis CNC machine, it is extremely important to make sure the table (C-axis) supports the unlimited angular movement. For example, if you are machining down a steep wall and going around the part, the table needs to rotate in a continuous motion. If the C-axis is limited to +360 / -360 degrees of motion, it will literally need to unwind at regular intervals to machine the part. Conversely, the tables on the Hurco SRT 5-axis mills are built with unlimited and continuous rotation because our focus from design to delivery is to maximize productivity and profitability for our customers.