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WinMax Manuals
WinMax Mill NC Programming
Table of Contents
WinMax Mill NC Programming (download here)
Documentation Conventions . . . . . xiii
Console Buttons and Keys . . . . xiii
Icons . . xiii
Programming and Operation Information . . . . xv
Using the On-screen Help . . . . xv
Printing the Programming Manuals . . . . . . xvi
Overview . .1 - 1
NC Part Programming Principles 1 - 2
NC Part Program Components . . . . . . .1 - 2
Default M and G Codes . . . .1 - 5
Navigation . . . .1 - 5
NC Editor 1 - 6
Starting a New NC Program . . .1 - 8
NC Programming Rules . . .1 - 8
NC Editor Menus . . .1 - 9
Basic Programming Menu . .1 - 9
Jump and Search Functions Menu . . . .1 - 10
Edit Functions Menu . . . . . .1 - 12
Renumbering and Tagging Menu . . . . .1 - 13
Program Execution Menu . .1 - 16
NC Editor Settings Menu . . .1 - 17
NC Parameters . . . .1 - 19
NC Configuration Parameters . . . . . . .1 - 19
NC M and G Code Parameters . . . . . . .1 - 21
NC Variables . . .1 - 22
Macro Mode A G Code Group Status . . .1 - 24
NC Probing Part Setup . . . . . . .1 - 25
Preparatory Functions - G Codes . .2 - 1
G Code Groups . . . .2 - 4
G Code Table . . . . .2 - 5
Rapid Traverse (G00) . . . .2 - 14
Linear Interpolation (G01) .2 - 16
Circular and Helical Interpolation (G02 and G03) .2 - 18
3D Circular Interpolation (G02.4 and G03.4) . . . . .2 - 23
Dwell Mode (G04) . . . . . . .2 - 24
Surface Finish (G05.1) . . .2 - 25
Data Smoothing (G05.2) . .2 - 25
Surface Finish Quality (G05.3) . . . . . .2 - 25
Cylindrical Rotary Wrap On (G07.2) . . .2 - 26
Cylindrical Rotary Wrap Off (G07.3) . . .2 - 27
Automatic Safe Repositioning Command Buffer On (G08.1) . .2 - 28
Automatic Safe Repositioning Command Buffer Off (G08.2) . .2 - 30
Precision Cornering (G09) . .2 - 32
Setting Work Coordinate Systems with G10 2 - 33
Setting External Work Zero Offsets (G10 with L2) 2 - 33
Setting Tool Offsets with G10 . .2 - 34
Initializing Tool Length Offsets (G10 with P, R) . . .2 - 34
Initializing Tool Offsets (G10 with T, H, D) . . . . . .2 - 34
Assigning Tool Offsets (G10 with L3) . .2 - 35
Polar Coordinates Command (G16) . . .2 - 35
Plane Selection . . .2 - 36
XY Plane Selection (G17) . .2 - 37
XZ Plane Selection (G18) . .2 - 38
YZ Plane Selection (G19) . .2 - 40
Units of Measure ISNC G20, G21 . . . .2 - 41
Automatic Return To and From Reference Point (G28 and G29) 2 - 41
Skip (Probing) Function (G31) . . . . . .2 - 44
Tool and Radius Offsets (G40–G49) . . . . .2 - 47
Cutter Compensation (G40–G42) . . . .2 - 48
Cutter Compensation – ISNC and Basic NC Programming Differences . . .2 - 49
Cutter Compensation Off (G40) . . . . .2 - 50
Cutter Compensation Left (G41) . . . . .2 - 51
3D Tool Geometry Compensation (G41.2) . . . . . .2 - 51
Cutter Compensation Right (G42) . . . .2 - 52
Cutter Compensation Programming . . .2 - 53
Tool Length Offset (G43, G44, G49) . .2 - 54
5-Axis Linear Interpolation (G43.4) . . .2 - 57
Tool Radius Offset (G45–G49) . . . . . . .2 - 58
Tool Radius Offset Increase (G45) . . . .2 - 58
Tool Radius Offset Decrease (G46) . . .2 - 58
Tool Radius Offset Double Increase (G47) . . . . . .2 - 58
Tool Radius Offset Double Decrease (G48) . . . . . .2 - 58
Tool Offset Cancel (G49) . .2 - 58
Scaling (G50 and G51) . . . .2 - 61
Mirror Image (G50.1 and G51.1) . . . . .2 - 64
Local Coordinate System Setting (G52) 2 - 67
Machine Coordinates (G53) 2 - 70
Multiple Work Coordinate Systems (G54–G59) . . .2 - 72
Aux Work Coordinate Systems (G54.1) 2 - 74
Precision Cornering On (G61) and Off (G64) . . . . .2 - 74
Special Program Support . . . . .2 - 76
Rotation (G68 and G69) . . .2 - 76
Global Rotation NC Transform Plane (G68.2) and
Local Rotation NC Transform Plane (G68.3) . . . . .2 - 78
Coordinate System Rotation Cancel (G69) . . . . . .2 - 79
Units of Measure (BNC G70, G71) . . . .2 - 80
Peck Drilling (G73) . . . . . .2 - 81
Left-Handed Tapping Cycle (ISNC G74) 2 - 83
Single-Quadrant Circular Interpolation (BNC G74) .2 - 84
Multi-Quadrant Circular Interpolation (BNC G75) . .2 - 84
Bore Orient (G76) . . . . . . .2 - 85
Canned Cycle Cancel (G80) 2 - 87
Drill, Spot Boring (G81) . . .2 - 87
Drill with Dwell, Counter Boring (G82) 2 - 89
Deep Hole Drilling (G83) . .2 - 90
Tapping (G84) .2 - 94
Boring (G85) . . .2 - 97
Bore Rapid Out Cycle (ISNC G86) . . . .2 - 99
Chip Breaker (BNC G87) . . .2 - 101
Back Boring (ISNC G87) . . .2 - 102
Rigid Tapping (BNC G88; ISNC G84.2; ISNC G84.3) . . . . . . .2 - 104
Canned Boring with Manual Feed Out and Dwell (ISNC G88) . .2 - 105
Bore with Dwell (G89) . . . .2 - 107
Absolute and Incremental (G90, G91) .2 - 109
Coordinate System Setting . . .2 - 111
Part Zero Setting (G92) . . .2 - 111
Feed Functions . . . .2 - 113
Inverse Time Feedrate (G93) and Feed Per Minute Feedrate (G94) . . . . .2 - 113
Rotary Tangential Velocity Control (G94.1) (preliminary) . . .2 - 114
Canned Cycle Descriptions . . . .2 - 116
Return to Initial Point in Canned Cycles (G98) . . . .2 - 116
Return to R Level in Canned Cycles (G99) . . . . . .2 - 118
Special Functions . .2 - 119
Motoman Robot Control (G140) . . . . . .2 - 119
Canned Cycles . . . .2 - 120
Canned Cycle Parameters . . . .2 - 122
Depth (Z Parameter) . . . . .2 - 123
Dwell (P Parameter) . . . . . .2 - 123
Feedrate (F Parameter) . . .2 - 123
Canceling or Replacing Canned Cycles . . . .2 - 124
Spindle Speed - S Codes . . . . . . .3 - 1
Tool Functions . . . . . . .4 - 1
D Codes 4 - 1
L Codes (BNC) . . . .4 - 1
T Codes .4 - 1
Miscellaneous Functions - M Codes 5 - 1
M Code Definitions .5 - 3
Program Functions .5 - 5
Program Stop (M00) . . . . .5 - 5
Planned Stop (M01) . . . . . .5 - 7
End of Program (M02) . . . .5 - 7
Start Spindle Clockwise (M03) . . . . . . .5 - 8
Start Spindle Counterclockwise (M04) .5 - 8
Spindle Off (M05) . . . . . . .5 - 8
M6 Initiates Tool Change . .5 - 8
Secondary Coolant On (M07) . . . . . . .5 - 9
Primary Coolant On (M08) .5 - 9
Both Coolant Systems Off (M09) . . . . .5 - 9
Both Coolant Systems On (M10) . . . . .5 - 9
Clamp C-axis (M12) . . . . . .5 - 10
Unclamp C-axis (M13) . . . .5 - 10
Automatic Buffering On (M16) . . . . . . .5 - 10
Automatic Buffering Off (M17) . . . . . .5 - 10
Oriented Spindle Stop (M19) 5 - 10
Pulse Indexer One Increment (M20) . .5 - 11
Z Axis to Home Position (M25) - Basic NC Programming only .5 - 11
Select Part Probe Signal (M26) . . . . . .5 - 11
Select Tool Probe Signal (M27) . . . . . .5 - 11
Enable Rigid Tapping (ISNC M29) . . . .5 - 11
Program End (M30) . . . . . .5 - 11
Rotary Encoder Reset (M31) 5 - 11
Clamp A-axis (M32) . . . . . .5 - 12
Unclamp A-axis (M33) . . . .5 - 12
Clamp B-axis (M34) . . . . . .5 - 12
Unclamp B-axis (M35) . . . .5 - 12
Servo Off Code (M36) . . . .5 - 12
Laser Input Update (M38-M40) . . . . . .5 - 12
Single-Touch Probing (M41) 5 - 13
Double-Touch Probing (M42) 5 - 13
Barrier Air Control (M43 and M44) . . . .5 - 13
Shutter Probe Control (M45 and M46) .5 - 13
Laser Emitter On/Off Control (M47 and M48) . . . .5 - 13
Laser Receiver On/Off (M49 and M50) .5 - 13
Cycle Pallet Changer (M51) .5 - 13
Enable Auxiliary Output 1 through 4 (M52 – M55) .5 - 13
Nonconfirmation Pallet Change (M56 – M58) . . . . .5 - 14
Chip Conveyor Fwd/Reverse/Stop (M59, M60, M61) . . . . . . .5 - 14
Disable Auxiliary Output 1 through 4 (M62 – M65) 5 - 14
Washdown Coolant System (M68, M69) 5 - 14
Right Handed C Axis (M80) .5 - 14
Left Handed C Axis (M81) . .5 - 14
Z Axis Retract Enable (M90)/Disable (M91) . . . . .5 - 14
Subprogram Call (M98) . . .5 - 15
Jump; Return from Subprogram (M99) 5 - 15
Shortest Rotary Angle Path Traverse (M126) and
Shortest Rotary Angle Path Traverse Cancel (M127) . . . . . . .5 - 16
Tool Center Point Management (M128) and
Tool Center Point Mngmt Cancel (M129) 5 - 17
Retract Along Tool Vector (M140) . . . .5 - 22
Enable Auxiliary Output 5 through 12 (M142-M149) . . . . . . .5 - 23
Disable Auxiliary Output 5 through 12 (M152 – M159) . . . . . .5 - 23
Tilt Axis Preference (M200) .5 - 23
NC Productivity Package Option . . .6 - 1
Macro Modes . . . . .6 - 2
Variables 6 - 3
Global Variables 6 - 3
System Variables 6 - 3
Macro Mode A Local Variables . . . . . .6 - 3
Macro Mode A Arguments .6 - 4
Read/Write Restrictions . . .6 - 6
Addresses with Variables . .6 - 8
Alarm 3000 Messages . . . .6 - 8
Vacant Variables 6 - 9
Variable Expressions . . . . .6 - 11
Indirect Variables . . . . . . .6 - 15
Saving Variable Values To a File on the Control . . .6 - 15
Variable Example 6 - 15
Program Control Statements . .6 - 18
GOTO Statements . . . . . . .6 - 19
IF Statements . .6 - 19
WHILE Loops . .6 - 20
DO Loops . . . . .6 - 21
Stop Program Execution . . .6 - 22
Subprograms . . . . .6 - 23
G65 Subprogram Call . . . . .6 - 24
Passing Argument Lists to Subprograms in Macro Mode B . . .6 - 25
Layering of Local Variables within Subprogram Calls . . . . . . .6 - 26
Specifying Subprogram Iterations . . . .6 - 26
G65 Subprogram Example .6 - 27
Macro Instruction (G65) . . .6 - 28
Modal Subprograms 6 - 32
Modal Subprogram Call (G66) . . . . . . .6 - 32
Modal User Defined G Code 6 - 32
Modal Subprogram Cancel (G67) . . . . .6 - 32
Modal Subprogram Call (G66) Example 6 - 33
User Defined Codes 6 - 34
G Codes . . . . . .6 - 34
M Codes . . . . . .6 - 35
S, B, and T Codes . . . . . . .6 - 37
Passing Single Dedicated Parameters to Subprograms . . . . . .6 - 39
NCPP Variable Summary . . . . .6 - 42
Programming Examples . . . . . .6 - 52
NC Part Program Example .6 - 52
NCPP Example—Bolt Hole Circle . . . . .6 - 54
NCPP Example—Gear Pattern . . . . . . .6 - 56
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