Ultimotion® - Our Motion Control System


UltiMotion® is Hurco’s patented motion control technology.​

With a 10,000-block lookahead, UltiMotion® automatically plans out the optimal toolpath and feeds/speeds, producing both greatly improved surface finishes and reductions in cycle times of up to 30%.



We put UltiMotion to the test. Same optimized NC Program. Same machine. Same setup...

Watch the video below to see how we achived 29% in cycle time reduction.


What would a 30% reduction in cycle time mean to your shop?

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Surface Finish

The engineering team at Hurco refers to UltiMotion as soft motion because the software controls the motion control system versus a conventional motion control that relies on hardware. The software is more efficient in how it processes the motion so there is less chatter, less vibration, less machine jerk, which results in better surface finish.

To learn more download the UltiMotion technical paper »

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Cycle Time

The secret to UltiMotion is the advanced algorithm software that takes the load off the motion control board (hardware-based motion control). The software-based motion control system of UltiMotion has rapid cornering capabilities, which means it doesn’t stop between two rapids. Instead, it travels through blended corners at high speed with negligible deviation. With UltiMotion, the software evaluates each section of the motion profile and shifts the look-ahead to the maximum number of blocks to optimize maneuvers.

To learn more download the UltiMotion technical paper »

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Because UltiMotion uses advanced software algorithm for motion control, it is able to move faster in every way. For example, with drilling and tapping, instead of the jolting down/up/stop motion of conventional motion controls system’s that use hardware, UltiMotion keeps the motion smooth and is able to use a spherical motion to move to the next set of holes.

To learn more download the UltiMotion technical paper »

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Extend Machine Life

While we have not conducted a longitudinal study, common sense dictates that smoother motion of the machining process puts less stress on the ball screw and other internal components. Machining with less chatter, less vibration, and less machine jerk, retains accuracy and may extend the life of the machine.

To learn more download the UltiMotion technical paper »